Thursday, 12 January 2012

Pay IT Forward

i did someone a favour a little while back and that favour was meant to be repaid. Not in terms of insurance, but more of that that person would repay that favour in a different way back for me.

i've been stressing over my head because i'm still struggling between the right balance of when to chase for the favour to be repaid and when to play it cool; i definitely do not want to play the part of the pushy (sales)person. but the more i called, the more i messaged, the greater that feeling of worry starting nagging at me.

i didn't do the favour in order to have it paid back, but more so because i was promised that a certain favour would have been done, settled. kind of like the way i do your math homework, you do my science homework. i held up my end of the bargain, but 2 days to the deadline, the other person is no where to be seen and i end up having to do my own science homework.

what i figured is that sometimes you just got to have faith that things will work its way out. (like if i did my own science homework, that's how i learn about science?) maybe i'm being too ambitious to think that doing nice things for others means that karma will give me rewards back 10 times over - that's being too opportunistic, and maybe i'm being too naive to just go around doing nice things for everyone else.

it doesn't take much effort to do something nice for someone once in a while. i just hope that i can learn to give without expectations more and somehow my actions are symbolic enough of my commitment to my end of the bargain such that people would feel like they should do something nice in reciprocation.

it's always nice to feel appreciated when someone does something nice for someone else. it's one of the little things - when a good deed is ignored and forgotten - that makes a person feel taken for granted. Not that i want pple to be constantly going "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH, I TOTALLY OWE YOU ONE", but that i would be thought of as the girl that helped when it mattered.

the best feeling in the world is that through all my doubt and worry, whenever whoever it is, pulls through for me and i receive that sincere sms/call of apology for the delay and things DO work themselves out, you realize that it was silly to have worried at all. it reinforces my belief that there is reasonable cause for blind faith.

take a chance on someone today, they may just surprise you.

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