Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Christmas isn't Christmas, 'til it happens in your heart

Welcome Back!! Merry Christmas one and all! I hope your Christmases have been fruitful; a time for meeting, reuniting, catching up, good conversations, laughing, making merry, just being happy surrounded by loved ones...  Christmas this year for me was one of overindulgence. The fridge is so full, i'm going to be seeing ham turned to bak kwa (candied(?) roast pork) come this Chines New Year.

what i really wanted to talk about today was how it seems like Christmas is everyday for me. No, not the present receiving, although that WOULD be rather nice. but more of how meeting up with people to do all of that is a day-to-day basis for me, unlike where special occasions call for human interaction.

meeting up with people this year, was also different. In the sense where I have something else to talk about when i see friends and family. it's still difficult, but i've come to terms with people givig me shocked looks and incredulous stares that i've joined insurance. I'm happy for the "opportunity" to practice telling people that I'm with AIA and giving out my namecards.

what better time to do it when there's an occasion for the whole family to be in one place at one time. no other better time except CNY, and that's going to be in a month's time too :/

well, talking about insurance is starting to get easier. one thing i've been finding myself repeating a lot more lately is about how "my heart has to be in the right place" in order to last in this industry. the more i say it, the more i believe it and the more motivated i am to tell people about the importance of financial protection.

i have been telling people that you can't go around asking people about their financial wellbeing with money on your brain (or accurately speaking - with ONLY money on your brain). you really need to want to care for them and take care of their families and to sincerely want to safeguard their assets, physical or monetary-wise.

that's much like christmas gift-giving. you don't normally buy presents for someone with the motive that you'll be getting one back. and that's really similar to planning someone's insurance. i should be doing it thinking about what my clients' needs are, what kind of situation are they in that would require what kind of solution, what would be best in his/her mind's eye... most importantly, doing it because you know it would make them happy. 

so this Christmas I hope that i continue making more people happy, by giving them the gift of a peace of mind with their financial protection, and that when people think about that gift, to thinking about it brings on a smile.

Be Protected Everyone!

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