Thursday, 24 November 2011

No Shows

ok, now people are probably going to start wondering what i'm doing, being so free, typing all these posts in such a short period of time.

i've just had an umpteenth no-show today.

being the insecure girl that i am, i can only ask myself:
  • was i too pushy? did i call to confirm too many times?
  • should i have confirmed earlier?
  • what did i do wrong?
i guess what most people would think of when they're stood up by someone else is: "why am i wasting my time with someone who doesn't appreciate my time and effort" and i know better than to take this type of "rejection" personally.

but, it still hurts.

maybe i should be asking myself what i could have done differently to ensure i wouldn't be stood up? i know that in a lot of cases that the excuses are legitimate - last minute meeting, i won't be in the country.... but it becomes difficult to separate the sincere and the insincere.

i know that i am better than letting myself harp on my disappointments, and to keep shouldering on. but it helps to rant a little about it sometimes. i hope to pride myself in my dedication to my clients - when i make promises i keep them. appointments are promises to see someone and i like to fix a date and keep it, be punctual for it, prepare for it as much as i can.

i just hope that in that little commitment i make to every potential client, i can help someone to realize that he needs protection in his or her life.

staying positive,

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